Raise industry standards.

Support members to develop their skills, stay up-to-date and maintain their compliance.

A training platform for practical people

Are you raising standards and ensuring competencies across an industry? How.io is the ideal platform for professional development and engaging practical people with a learning style that suits them.

Visual learning

Giving practical people a workbook and expecting them to read it is a tough ask.

Engage practitioners

External learners need no excuses. Meet them halfway and make it super simple.

Stay compliant

Automate your training programmes to help practitioners maintain certification.

Make it easy to understand

📖 No one reads the workbook. Pages of text for busy practical people aren’t worth the paper their written on.

🤩 To engage hard-to-reach learners, they need relevant and realistic training material.

💥 How.io brings your training to life with visual learning experiences. Use our simple authoring tools to create interactive video, 3D simulations and Insta-learning.

Engage learners easily

👋 Engage learners in trade portals, websites, social media or your own or members learning management system. Our platform seamlessly integrates so learning feels part of your brand. Boost engagement with automated reminders and follow ups, and manage compliance with ease.

💡 How.io can deliver CPD programmes to large audiences and can target learning outcomes that can be mapped to competency frameworks.

Flexible solutions

🤝 How.io works with or without your existing systems as an authoring tool and training platform.

📈 How.io pricing is based on learning outcomes, so you only pay for actual results. Often associations are growing large audiences and predicting the number of learners is difficult. Our model is designed to support varying levels of engagement across a growing audience.

For organisations who educate practical audiences

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